How do I set up follow-up emails?

Follow-ups to your initial message are a great way to ensure your prospects engage.

Follow-ups will continue to be sent until that prospect becomes a lead. Unsubscribed and bounced prospects won't receive any follow-ups. 

Creating Follow-Up Emails

  1. After writing your initial email, hover over it and click the green plus button that appears

  2. In the options that display, click Follow-Up

  3. To set a delay between the previous message and the follow-up, hover over the X Days box and click the edit pencil icon that appears

Note: If your campaign has already run, and you're adding a follow up at the end of your sequence, the delay will start from the date of the last send for the prospect. 

For example: Today you are editing a campaign. A prospect was sent the last follow-up message in the campaign's sequence 15 days ago. 

  • If you set the delay to 5 days, the email will go out to the prospect immediately since the time since the previous follow-up email is greater than the delay. 
  • If you set the delay to 20 days, the email will go out in 5 days from today since the previous follow-up email was sent 20 days ago.

Creating New Subject Lines for your Follow-ups

When creating follow-ups, by default it will reply to one of the earlier messages or you can change it to send a follow-up as a totally new email.

  1. Click the Subject Line dropdown

  2. Select New Subject
  3. Type in the new subject line you would like to use


How is this different from a Drip or On Click message?

Drip messages are sent regardless of the actions your prospects take. Drips cannot be replies to earlier messages, they are always sent as a brand new email.

Can follow-ups be sent more than 30 days after the previous email?

Yes, you can delay follow-ups more than 30 days after the previous email. This can be very helpful for nurture campaigns.

That said, the longer you wait before sending the next email, the staler the email address becomes so we recommend keeping up to date with campaign activity like this. 

Tip: Spacing follow-ups about 5 days a part is best practice to maintain deliverability and end up in the inbox.

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