How do I change the from address or from name for a campaign?

Note: The "from" name for Microsoft Outlook and other Microsoft emails cannot be changed in Mailshake. Microsoft requires you to change this in your Microsoft account: Change From Name in Microsoft

Change the from name

On an existing campaign

  1. Click Campaigns then click the campaign you'd like to update

  2. Click Settings

  3. Under Settings, change the From Name
  4. Click Save.

Prior to making your campaign

  1. Click Mail Accounts in the left side menu

  2. Click the mail account that you'd like to edit
  3. Click Settings

  4. Scroll down and click Signature

  5. Edit your "from" name, then click Save

Change the sending email address

When creating your campaign

When you are creating your campaign you can go to the "Basic" step and choose any of your mail accounts or aliases.

On an existing campaign

  1. Click Campaigns then click the campaign you'd like to update

  2. Click Settings

  3. Under Settings, click Mail Account and select the correct email address you'd like to use to send the campaign
  4. Click Save
  5. A modal will display warning you that past replies will not get picked up after changing the sending email address. Click Continue if you'd like to proceed or Cancel if you don't wish to change your sending email address.
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