How does the Warm Up tool work?

So you've got a shiny new email address and you're ready to start sending your first campaign, but you find out that you need to warm up your email account by sending out emails to people you might know so they can reply to you and help establish your email reputation. And you've got to do this for a couple weeks - sounds like a lot of busy work right?

Enter Voila Norbert's Warm Up tool 🔥 which helps you automate your email warm up so you don't need to do it all manually, saving you time and helping you establish a good email reputation when you start sending your campaigns.

How does it warm up my email?

Voila Norbert manages a whole host of proprietary email addresses that the system sends emails to using your email address. This automates the process of sending those emails out to start building your reputation. Then Voila Norbert replies to a percentage of those to help automate a healthy reply rate. Warming accomplished! ❤️‍🔥

If your emails land in spam, since Voila Norbert owns the emails, the system will make sure those emails are marked as Not Spam or Not Junk to help improve your deliverability over the long run.

Pro-tips 🤓

The Warm-up tool does the bulk of the work for you, but it's all about ensuring your email account takes normal, human-like actions.

While optional, we recommend doing these things to be most successful:

  • Sign up your email address for 5-10 free, reputable email newsletters - this helps increase the number of incoming emails to your inbox so you're not just sending out high volume without much incoming email.
  • Register for a few free apps - think LinkedIn, Amazon, Crunchbase, etc. You will receive emails from these apps, and clicking on those verification emails will show activity in your account.

The two above steps are the easiest, and you'll probably be okay with just those two. But if you want to get closer to the best deliverability reputation you can get, here are a few more tips:

  • Log into the email address's inbox every couple of weeks - this way, you're showing activity in the account. You can also delete messages or clear out your spam folder
  • Send an email or two each time you log in - shows more activity in the account, so the algorithms don't think your email is inactive.
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