How do I connect my email address to the Warm Up tool?

If you've already connected your email address in the Mail Accounts section, you're probably thinking, "Wait, how do I warm up my email address?"

We've kept the warm-up separate because some customers may not want to use the tool, but mostly because you'll need to connect your mail account for warm-up separately.

Most mail providers don't allow automated warm-up with OAuth connections (that's when you see a "Log in with Google or Microsoft" option), so you'll need to connect with SMTP and IMAP credentials.

Connecting your email address to Warm Up

  1. In Sequences, in the menu on the left, click Deliverability
  2. Next, click Connect Email Account at the top of the page

  3. Select your Mail Provider on the list for "quick setup" or if you don't see your Mail Provider listed, click Other/SMTP

  4. Enter your credentials and follow the steps in the box on the right
    • You may need to get an App Password from your Mail Provider's settings
    • If you chose Other/SMTP, you'll need the following info (we have a chart of some common ones below as well):
      • Your SMTP username - usually this is your email
      • Your email password - usually you want to get an App Password
      • SMTP Server Address
      • SMTP Port Number - Make sure it's the port for SSL/TLS
      • IMAP Server Address
      • IMAP Port Number - Make sure it's port for SSL/TLS
  5. Once you've entered everything, click Verify
    • See an error message? Check Common Error Messages below
  6. Then, set your warming volume and reply rate and click Save

  7. Voila! You're all set

Common Error Messages 🤔

We all know how this goes, you're positive you've got all the right info and then you see an error that says "Authentication Denied" or "Invalid Credentials" and you think, "Well I know this is right, it's a system problem..."

That could very well be, but we usually see that it's an authentication issue. As much as we wish we could bypass those, we're not able to.

Here's what might be happening:

  • Typos or incorrect info - we're all prone to mistakes, so it's always a good idea to try again and double check the information with your mail provider
  • Not using an App Password - if you have Two Factor Authentication (the fancy name for when you have to enter a code that's texted to you or an authenticator code to log in), you have to have an app password. This is what tells your Mail Provider you're approving an app to login without the second step of verification.
  • SMTP isn't enabled in your mail account - sometimes your mail provider might disable this by default. You'll want to check their support guides or reach out to their team for help to enable this.

What's my SMTP info?

We've listed a few common ones below, but if you're unsure, you'll want to check with your Mail Provider. Since we aren't your Mail Provider, we don't know what your Mail Provider's info may be as sometimes it's unique to the type of plan you have with them.



Outlook addresses 587 SSL/TLS

Gmail / G Suite 587 SSL/TLS

GoDaddy Webmail

Click here for more setup info 587 SSL/TLS

Namecheap Private Email

Click here for more setup info 587 SSL/TLS



Outlook addresses 993 SSL

Gmail / G Suite 993 SSL

Go Daddy Webmail

Click here for more setup info 993 SSL

Namecheap Private Email

Click here for more setup info 143 TLS
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