How many emails can I send and maintain good deliverability?

You're ready to send email campaigns to as many prospects as possible, right? 🤩 We understand the urgency and know you'd like to send high volume to start getting those replies and leads.

When you first start sending cold email outreach, we recommend starting slowly and gradually increasing your sends over time. Even if you've warmed up your emails for a couple of weeks, you still want to start at a reasonable number of emails so you can scale up without any issues.

We've outlined some tips to help you figure out how much you can send:

  1. Be consistent as much as possible with volume and sending schedule. Too much too soon and there's a very high chance you’ll get flagged and your sending will be throttled well below your maximum sending limit. If you've been sending outside of Email Sequences, we recommend sticking with the same total volume you've been sending and not adding to your total volume.

  2. Increase gradually over time. If you're new to cold email sending, or if your email address and/or domain are new, we recommend starting off at around 20-30 emails/day. Then increase that number of emails per day gradually each week, such as Week 2 at 45 emails/day, Week 3 at 65 emails/day and so on.

  3. Slow down if you get throttled. Mail providers have the discretion and ability to throttle your email sending even if you haven't sent high volume yet. They have automated scanning in place that detects what they perceive to be suspicious activity. Sending too much, too fast typically flags their system and they might pause your sending, block the email address, or worse close your email account.

  4. Spread sending over multiple email addresses. With Email Sequences, you can add additional email addresses so that you can send from multiple email addresses and spread out your sending. This means if you really wanted to start off sending 100 emails per day, it might make sense to send from five email addresses, instead of just one.
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